546 WIHS Pony Equitation
WEC Summer II/FEI CSI 3*
June 14-18, 2023

546 WIHS Pony Equitation

Plc Rider
12567Lily Epstein 81.000

R1: 81.000
21404Lauren Bader 78.000

R1: 78.000
31649Nadia Mirza 76.000

R1: 76.000
41517Brialee Jacobs 65.000

R1: 65.000
51815Abbeygale Hamilton 64.000

R1: 64.000
61728Vivian Silva 60.000

R1: 60.000
72220Cesalie Kincaid 55.000

R1: 55.000
82365Juan Guevara 30.000

R1: 30.000
91801Mary Kate George 25.000

R1: 25.000

Ocala, FL

Judge: Dale Pedersen

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