Num | Name |
211 | 0.90m Jumper |
262 | Junior/Amateur .90m Jumper |
215 | 1.0m Jumper |
252 | Take2 Thoroughbred Jumper |
238 | Amateur 1.0m Jumper 18-45 |
258 | Junior 1.0m Jumper |
242 | Amateur 1.0m Jumper 46 & Over |
Num | Name |
266 | $1000 1.20m Jumper |
270 | $1000 1.30m Jumper |
299 | $200 7 Year Old Jumper |
218 | 1.10m Jumper |
275 | $500 Amateur 1.10m Jumper |
279 | $500 Junior 1.10m Jumper |
222 | 1.15m Jumper |
793 | 5 Year Old Jumper |
Num | Name |
292 | 5 Year Old Jumper |
216 | 1.10m Jumper |
220 | 1.15m Jumper |
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